Marini Farm | Kids Out and About Boston

Marini Farm

For three generations our family has farmed this land; growing some of the best and most flavorful fruits and vegetables available on the North Shore. Our greenhouse opens in May of each year with an abundance of color & variety. Our Farm Stand officially opens in late May/early June with a full selection of vegetables, fruits, bakery items and other specialty foods. As fall finds its way to the farm, our spectacular Corn Maze opens delighting families & adventures from throughout New England. In November, we then transform our Farm Stand into a holiday destination for Christmas on The Hill.

Today, Marini Farm grows over 200 acres of mixed fruits and vegetables. This produce is supplied to local supermarkets and sold at the retail farm market on Linebrook Road. The farm also leases property around the area and this allows them to grow over 100 acres of sweet corn – their most popular crop. The vegetables are still picked daily in the early morning to ensure quality and freshness. The farm uses many different growing techniques including raised plastic beds, drip irrigation, row covers, and frost control. These techniques allow them to harvest their crops earlier in the season and later into the fall.  Each year the spring season starts with an acre of greenhouses where a beautiful assortment of annuals, perennials, herbs, and vegetable plants are grown. These are sold both wholesale and retail.