Fayerweather Street School | Kids Out and About Boston

Fayerweather Street School

Founded in 1967, Fayerweather is an all-gendered independent private school enrolling approximately 200 students in PreKindergarten through eighth grade. We are a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and accredited by the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE).

We use a co-teacher model, which provides more opportunities for 1:1 instruction. Multi-aged classrooms are used throughout the school starting in PreK which has three and four year-olds. Our teacher/student ratio is 1:11, except in PreK, where it is 1:8. The overall ratio of teaching staff to students is 1:6. 85% of our faculty have advanced degrees. Our program includes music, library, shop, physical education, art and theater classes. Community service and social justice work are integrated throughout the curriculum. Over half of the school participates in afterschool programs including intramural sports teams for grades 5-8.