Aikido Tekkojuko of Boston

Aikido Tekkojuku is a traditional dojo devoted to advancing Aikido as a path of both martial and personal growth. We practice in the tradition of Mitsunari Kanai (8th dan, Shihan), himself a disciple of Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei, the founder of Aikido. Kanai-Sensei’s Aikido emphasizes the unification of the body; the generation of dynamic power from the hip (koshi); and the connection between empty-handed movements and sword movements. At Tekkojuku, many of Kanai-Sensei’s most senior students continue to develop and teach his Aikido in his loving memory. Our name “Tekkojuku” is derived from tekko, a compound word of Kanai-Sensei’s invention (see The Meaning of Tekkojuku), and juku, meaning a school offering intensive education outside of school hours.