The Advent School | Kids Out and About Boston

The Advent School

Founded in 1961, The Advent School is an independent, secular day school in Boston, Massachusetts, for children ages four years old through Sixth Grade. The Advent School has stayed true to its founding vision: an urban school whose community reflects the diversity of Boston; a forward-thinking curriculum that inspires and engages a child’s passion for learning; a commitment to social justice; and a culture of collaboration where every child has the confidence to take action in a connected world.

In Advent’s Reggio-inspired classrooms, educators are engaged in research and experimentation with the children and about the community of learners. Teachers are considered researchers as they investigate what a particular group of children is trying to understand, observe how they relate to each other and their world, and decide how to further support that learning. It is an intentional process that emphasizes the natural capabilities of children and the interconnectivity of learning.

Principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach inspire all faculty at The Advent School. There is a shift in the curriculum from our pre-Kindergarten Early Childhood Center (ECC) and Kindergarten classrooms, which relies on an emergent curriculum influenced by the student community.

In First through Sixth Grades, the curriculum is guided by an overarching theme connected to social justice principles at each grade level. Within these themes, student questions and interests guide teachers as they design projects and investigations.