Discover the Beauty of Classical Chinese Dance | Kids Out and About Boston

Discover the Beauty of Classical Chinese Dance

Classical Chinese Dance is a breathtaking and expressive art that has been passed down for thousands of years. Rooted in ancient palace traditions and folk heritage, it embodies grace, strength, and profound cultural depth. Join us to witness the beauty of this extraordinary dance form!

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Experience the Elegance, Power, and Culture of an Ancient Art Form! 

Why Classical Chinese Dance?

  • Rich History – A dance tradition shaped over 5,000 years
  • Unique Aesthetic – Flowing, round movements distinct from ballet
  • Martial Arts Influence – Infused with agility and strength
  • Technical Excellence – Stunning flips, leaps, and turns

    What You’ll Learn:

  • How Classical Chinese Dance compares to ballet and martial arts
  • The art’s three core components: Bearing, Form, and Technique

The cultural depth and expressive power behind every movement.

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


2464 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA, 02140
United States


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Adults & kids together