Location: Worcester Public Library3 Salem St Suite 332Worcester, MA, 01608United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:508 929 2700 200th Anniversary Lyceum #1 at the EcoTariumDates: 02/26/2025Time: 5:00 PM Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Bestseller Book Club - The Briar ClubDates: 03/13/2025Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Organization: Brighton Memorial LibraryLocation: 2300 Elmwood AvenueRochester, NY, 14618United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:585-784-5300 Mystery Book Club - Killers of a Certain AgeDates: 03/19/2025Time: 2:30PM - 3:30PM #OperationStorytime Volume Two Discover Monroe County's Library System: FAR More than You Think! KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Kathleen Blasi About HOSEA PLAYS ON KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Keely Hutton About SECRET SOLDIERS